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Christmas is coming, the turkey is getting fat, and won’t you put a nickel in the old man’s hat.

Hits: 1739
Stuff the turkey this year:  Perfect Christimas Dinners - Breeze Bites

If I say “Christmas dinner”, you probably get an image of a table furnished with a huge bird, the turkey, surrounded by all the trimmings. 

Hits: 1783

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Festive occasions: Office Christmas party

It’s that time of year and with Melbourne Cup kicking the slew of festive occasions off, I wanted to do a fun blog about the ladies…and how long it takes to get in shape, beautify ourselves and shop for all the festive occasions that are coming our way…including the infamous Xmas office party.

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Welcome to another riveting month of events, round ups and snappy snippets from Breeze Bites. The silly season is nearly upon us with the start of November kicking it all off with Melbourne Cup Day. The day that stops the nation. Racing, fashion, bets, swigging champagne, unflattering photos and drunken and outrageous behaviour…Giddy up.

Hits: 1935

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5 Tips for Planning Melbourne Cup Events

Melbourne Cup Day is the only day of the year when it’s acceptable to have a party during a working day. In fact, it’s more than acceptable, it’s pretty much an obligation.

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