Breeze Events - Make Your Event a Breeze
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Welcome to another riveting month of events, round ups and snappy snippets from Breeze Bites. The silly season is nearly upon us with the start of November kicking it all off with Melbourne Cup Day. The day that stops the nation. Racing, fashion, bets, swigging champagne, unflattering photos and drunken and outrageous behaviour…Giddy up.
Breeze Bites
5 survival tips for Melbourne Cup Day
1. Don’t have a massive night before the big day
2. Plan your transport to and from the track
3. Eat before you go, and eat when you’re there
4. Don’t bet on a horse cause you like its colours (take a little time to read the guide)
5. Try not to end up in the paper in a not so flattering manner
Three fat ladies stood under an umbrella but none of them got wet. Why didn’t any of them get wet? See my Facebook page for the answer!
Future biggies
Burleigh BBQ Championship (30-31 July 2016)
Get your meat on the beach again! With a side of cool tunes, salt air and lots to see and do. Breeze Events are back in planning stage for next year’s awesome 2-day BBQ event. After the hugely successful championships last July and it comes as no surprise the BBQ guys want to do it all again. Bring your picnic blanket, grab some grub and kick back to the sounds of the sea with great live acts. Lots of food to be had everywhere. Check out their Facebook page for all the details.
Women’s Health and Wellbeing Expo (2016)
Now in its 5th year Breeze Events is once again event managing the wellbeing expo. The Expo promises to provide expert tips, advice, and a wide range of educational and informative products and services on how to get the most out of life for women of all ages. It’s a FREE community event, proudly presented by City of Gold Coast. Enhancing women’s health and well-being enriches lives, families and communities!
Wrapped up
Gold Coast Pet Expo 2015
What a massive fun, furry and feathered event. With heaps of pets, people and performances everyone had a pet mad time. Let’s do it all again next year.
Breeze Events Team