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Tis the season…16 things you should not do at the office Christmas party

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TIS THE SEASON for office Christmas parties, which can be fun and festive or disastrous when too many people decide to let loose. Which is normally the case, me included.

Every employee looks forward to the office Christmas party, it’s a great chance to let your hair down, maybe get to know your work colleagues better and enjoy free booze and nosh on your employer’s dime.

However some employees may shudder at the fact they have to spend the evening partying with their boring colleagues, especially if it involves a karaoke duet of Adele’s ‘Hello’ with some dude from accounts.

Either way Christmas office parties are an essential part of your working life and how you choose to participate is down to you. The thing to avoid is not being part of the tea room gossip the next day. The drunken stories of people who said something inappropriate to their boss, hooked up with someone they shouldn’t have, showed off their cringe worthy dance moves or even worse, got into a fight.

How do you keep your professional reputation intact while having fun with your colleagues?

Here are 16 things you should not do at your office Christmas party

  1. Don’t skip it. It is important that you attend. Unless you already had something planned and your boss knows this. 
  2. Don’t dress inappropriately. No one likes an in appropriate elf
  3. Don’t let your other half behave badly – they are a reflection of you remember
  4. Don’t get drunk
  5. Don’t look all bored. Your body language will give you away. Show up and have a good time
  6. Don’t be anti-social. Christmas parties are the time to mingle and get to know other people in other departments. 
  7. Don’t gossip and bad mouth other work colleagues
  8. Don’t forget to eat
  9. Don’t flirt
  10. Don’t cop off with the boss or the bosses wife or husband
  11. Don’t post photos to social media that might get you into trouble
  12. Don’t be late
  13. Don’t talk shop all night
  14. Don’t bring a guest if you were not allowed to
  15. Don’t eat then leave
  16. Don’t forget to thank your boss for the great night. They will really appreciate it.

How you conduct yourself in the presence of your colleagues even at social functions is extremely important and can have lasting effects on how you’re perceived at work. 

Employees need to remember that although the office Christmas party is a time to celebrate, this party is still a business event and how you behave does matter.

Stay classy!

For any enquires on Event Management Gold Coast, Corporate Events Gold Coast, and Conference and Incentives Days please call Jo. Jo can bring all her experience, passion and skill to the table to create a fresh and innovative partnership with you. Click here to get our Ebrochure & download our PDF.

Jo Kane

Events Gold Coast



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