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Why do people really attend events?

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Ever wondered to why attendees really show up to an event? Is it because you have put on a good spread and people don’t want to miss out on the free buffet. Or possibly your guest speaker is just that fabulous people really want to hear what he has to say. 

There are many reasons and generally the most common is they are there to network. Events are a great chance to get some face time with existing customers or forge relationships with new ones. 

Events are a way of creating and building bonds and a strong network is essential for business success. Another obvious reason why people attend events is to stay at the cutting edge of their industry.

However there are some dubious and quite funny reasons why people attend events, keep an eye out for them at your next event.

1. They don’t want to be at work

If you an employee where would you rather be? At work sitting at your desk, even worse in a boring weekly meeting that never needs to take place…or somewhere with like-minded people chowing down the buffet, listening to great entertainment and doing anything but work. Sure you’re listening to a few speakers, taking a few notes, but you’re quite possibly in a very nice location while being paid for it.

2. Want to meet like-minded people

Event people are very social so it’s only natural they want to be around other like-minded people who are into the same interests. Events bring people together and networking and making connections is important to everyone, especially to a new business who is just beginning to build up their presence and contacts.

3. Eat food and drink free booze

There is no such thing as a free lunch, even at an event. You might think you are scoffing down the buffet and enjoying the house wine at your boss’s expense, but really you’re not. You’re working. It might not really feel like it, but you are there for a reason. However this could be the only reason why they come in the first place.

4. Boss told me to go

You’re boss maybe too busy to attend an event so he is sending an employee instead. In this case the person attending might find the whole thing a bit boring and can’t stop thinking about the pile of work that is happening at his/her desk.

5. Have a break from the family

Perfect way to have a break from the family. Hard to hear, but the truth. An event is considered a legit getaway card. “I’m working”…whilst in a 5 star hotel in Bangkok enjoying a full night sleep, buffet breakfast and drinks every night. The spa, pool, and free time (don’t get that at home). An event is a great way of escaping the family and not feeling guilty about it.

6. Up for a holiday and visiting somewhere new

The location is a big draw in getting people to attend an event. According to a survey, the location of the event matters to a whopping 82% percent of potential attendees. Bora Bora anyone?

For any enquires on Event Management Gold Coast, Corporate Events Gold Coast, and Conference and Incentives Days please call Jo. Jo can bring all her experience, passion and skill to the table to create a fresh and innovative partnership with you. Click here to get our Ebrochure & download our PDF.


Jo Kane

Events Gold Coast




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