Breeze Events - Make Your Event a Breeze
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Where is summer? We’ve got summer festivals to plan! The experts say that summer is coming a little later than usual this year and it’s all down to El Nino – what is El Nino? It sounds like a taco to me.
It’s been a busy few months with wrapping a book launch and a fun day at the Titians Home Ground. I and everyone else channelled our positive thoughts and fingers crossed for the boys to win…but alas, it was not to be. See my Facebook page for all the fun and photos.
It’s also with sad news that Nicola my Events Coordinator, PA extraordinar has left Breeze Events to pursue a career with the family business. Nicola was a champion for Breeze Events and her skills and passion for the industry will be sorely missed. Good luck Nicola!
Breeze bites
Top 5 qualities that make an event professional stand out
- Flexibility
- People skills
- Organisation
- Passion
- Time management
Top 5 things that make an event professional rubbish
- Yes to everything
- I’m on my break
- I’m not doing that
- Impossible
- It never happens like that
Future biggies
Australian Paddle Sports Expo (April 21-22 2016)
I’m beyond excited to announce that Breeze is planning the first ever Australian Paddle Sports Expo held next year on the Sunshine Coast. This huge consumer expo is the first of its kind in Australia. For more information visit their website.
Wrapped up
Book Launch for Matt Maguire: Structural Podiatrist. Fantastic and successful book launch over 100 people turned up for a signed copy of “Every Step is a Journey” Excellent entertainment and a great atmosphere.
Gold Coast Titans Membership Fun Day pre-home game match Sunday at Robina Raptors field - jumping castles, super slides, animal nursery and players signing - great morning out before the big game against Canberra – which we lost. Oh well, we'll get em’ next time!
Breeze Events Team