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Getting yourself into VIP events without an invite

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It doesn’t matter if you’re desperately trying to break into the world of PR, events or just desperate to get into an inclusive event to see all the plebs…I mean celebs. I have found some nifty tips on how to get into exclusive parties and clubs without an invitation.

 Social engineering

There is a fine art of getting into exclusive events, you can’t just lob up and think you can talk your way in. If you want in, you need to do your homework. The first step is to learn as much as you can about the event you want to get into.  

When is it, how long it runs for? Where will it be held? How do you get there, and how many entrances are there? You need to plan your approach. It may seem silly to know if there is more than one entrance. But that second entrance could be your way in. 

Also know about the invites – is it invite only, are all names on the invite or is it invite name only then plus one or is it open to anyone who knows about the event? The more information you have the better chance you have of getting in.

Dress to impress

Now that you have your arrival down pat, you know how arrivals are greeted and invitations are checked – it’s time to look the part. What is the dress code? If it’s black tie you don’t want to rock up in your "i’ve just finished work clothes". Get dressed up even if the event is casual - there is no harm in over doing it and being over dressed for an event.

If you are dressed casual or in your business suit, you will stand out like a sore thumb, or worse like you have just come from the office. Also if you are trying to get into a club, dress like a rock star, not like you have just come from work. It will show you’re trying to get in, not like you belong there.


You need to have big balls and quick thinking. If you have done the above it is now time to try and get in. In order to get in you may have to talk to a bouncer or chat to some important lady with a clip board with all the names on it. 

You boldly walk up to the entrance; the bouncer or lady asks who are you here with? You rattle of three names then say “me”. You make it all sound natural and familiar. You’re not a customer, you are a friend and friends don’t pay. This may or may not work. The key is confidence and charm. You want to be the bouncer's friend and he might just let you in. 

However if you don’t get in. Be cool, don’t be aggressive you might seem him or her around again. You can be assertive, but not aggressive. Be a bit disappointed, but don’t be like you deserve to be inside, it will just turn the bouncer right off you, and like I said, you may have to see him again.

Take your dignity, give him or her a smile and leave. Better luck next time.

For any enquires on Event Management Gold Coast, Corporate Events Gold Coast, and Conference and Incentives Days please call Jo. Jo can bring all her experience, passion and skill to the table to create a fresh and innovative partnership with you. Click here to get our Ebrochure & download our PDF.


Jo Kane

Events Gold Coast



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