As I have mentioned many times, planning an event requires a lot of hard work, coordination and thick skin. And for all that hard work you need something in return. This comes in the form of attendee information. 

Event planners need vital information about not only what they can do better for the next event, but what was a highlight for the visitor, where they came from and how they are connected to the industry. All useful information to measure the success of the event.

How to get this information?

Surveys, evening competitions and lucky door prizes are an indispensable tool when participating in or planning an event or seminar. They help you collect useful information before, during and after the event. They can help measure the success of the event by enabling you to gauge expectations, understand participant reaction during the event and measure the effectiveness of your message long after the event is over.  

Lucky door prizes in particular are extremely popular with event planners because they know people love to win things, so having raffles or lucky door prizes are great way to retrieve information without being too formal. 

Who donates the prize?

Door prizes are usually given by a business sponsoring the event in some way. The sponsor is looking to expand their customer base so giving a gift for the door prize is a way of reaching customers they wouldn't normally be able to reach, who will line up to win their goodies. 

Expos, conferences, conventions and other organisational meetings often do door prizes. Giving participants something to win increases attendance and fun during the event. However your prize has to be great, boring old company t-shirts and pens won’t cut it and won’t impress the event planner either.

It must be something that relates to your company and something that the average person would like. Getting your products out there in prize form will spread the word of your business and the goods you sell. Provided your prize is fabulous once the winners are home and using their prize, they’ll talk about it to their family and friends.


Anything you make, you can give away. The freebies are worth the end profit.

The higher in value the door prize is, the more coveted it will be. The event manager will push this at the event and help promote your business throughout. Event managers and planners will be extremely grateful to have such a powerful prize draw for their attendees.  

Attendee information

Retrieving the information generally happens before attendees go into the event; they are asked to fill out an information card to go into the draw. You can also collect information from all your attendees when they register, either online or on-site. Information can be optional or required, and you can even create your own custom questions for attendees to answer.

For any enquires on Event Management Gold Coast, Corporate Events Gold Coast, and Conference and Incentives Days please call Jo. Jo can bring all her experience, passion and skill to the table to create a fresh and innovative partnership with you. Click here to get our ebrochure & download our PDF.

Jo Kane

Events Gold Coast

Photo via Visual hunt