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6 tips to using drones at events - Breeze Bites

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Using a small, unmanned quodcopter, commonly called a drone, is a great way to get spectacular aerial footage of your event.  If you’re planning an event that has a live performance some of the coolest pictures from these events are pictures of the large crowds in attendance. By having a drone you can show how popular your event was, how large it was and what type of people were at your event.

Getting up close and personal whether it’s a band, DJ or a product unveiling is one the biggest draw cards to get people at your event. Capturing these performances close up with a drone will give you great marketing material and an edge over your competition.

Here are 6 tips to consider, to make sure everything goes to plan when using a drone.

1.Get permission from the venue

Get approval from the venue to ensure they allow a drone to be flown and if there are any restrictions over what can and can’t be filmed.

2.Get references when choosing your drone operator

You will have lots of choice when it comes to choosing your drone pilot.  Ask for references and examples of previous work to make sure you get the best possible results.  

3.Make a script

Make your expectations clear up front to the drone pilot, so he knows what footage you need. Create a script together and discuss the types of shots you need and whether any editing will be required after the event.

4.Safety should come first

Drones can be dangerous, especially if there are people around, so check whether your drone operator has the appropriate levels of insurance. Also find out where he will operate the drone from – i.e. a fixed position or whether he will walk with it, so there are no possible areas of interference.

5.Consider the distraction drones can cause

Drones make a humming noise so make sure you take this into account during the event. For example if your event includes an interesting speaker, the audience may not appreciate the possible distraction of a drone. In situations like this, a fixed camera on rigging could be a better alternative.

6.Consider the design of the event

Make sure the drone pilot is aware of any possible hazards or obstacles in the areas the drone will fly so he can plan how to get each of the shots you need.

I hope these tips help you incorporate this new technology to get a new, unique perspective on your next event and you capture some amazing photos and videos. 

Good luck!

For any enquires on Event Management Gold Coast, Corporate Events Gold Coast, and Conference and Incentives Days please call Jo. Jo can bring all her experience, passion and skill to the table to create a fresh and innovative partnership with you. Click here to get our ebrochure & download our PDF.

Jo Kane

Events Gold Coast





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